
Under normal circumstances the average employee deals with a certain amount of stress.  Our current circumstances include the coronavirus and citywide shuts downs so it’s natural for our stress levels to be increased exponentially which could lead to workplace accidents. Dr. David Spiegel, medical director of the Stanford Center on Stress and health, said there […]

The supply chain is always working to keep life as we know it functioning, but in our current crisis the supply chain is working even harder. The last few weeks have seen consumers scrambling to purchase supplies for an uncertain duration of time. One of the main commodities that everyone is aware of there being […]

The news about the Coronavirus reaching the United States has everyone concerned about the spread of infection. There is conflicting information and confusion over some of the details, but what we know for sure is that we have some control over the affects of germs on our immune system.  Everyone knows that hand washing is […]